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The 6 Best Books to Read this Summer to Become a Better Communicator, with Lee Caraher

Episode 113

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Communications is the CENTER OF ALL THINGS. On the pod, Lee interviews interesting communications pros, CEOs, branding experts, and authors to bring key insights that can be used in the day to day to make your work, your PR, your marketing WORK. Occasionally, she goes it alone to share her thoughts and insights on key topics of the day in solo shows.

Today is a Solo Show with your host, Lee Caraher.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • Lee’s six summer reading recommendations to become a better communicator by fall
  • How to become a better leader through Leadership and the Art of Conversation
  • How to create a repeatable message that carries impact through Talk Triggers
  • How to present with confidence and be compelling through Better Presentations
  • How to emulate super communicators to become one yourself through Supercommunicators
  • How to connect with your audience through representation and new points of view through Speaking While Female


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