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Strengthen Your “Not-Knowing” Skill to Become a Better Leader, with Lee Caraher

Episode 125

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Communications is the CENTER OF ALL THINGS. Lee Caraher talks all things communications – from language to format to medium, from employee engagement to great leadership, from PR to social media, and Reputation management to personal branding, bringing you key insights from her experience and expertise that can be used in the day to day to make your work, your PR, your culture, and your potential WORK.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • Why you need to turn off your “knowing mode” to become a more active listener and a better leader
  • How our desire to immediately resolve familiar situations is inhibiting our communication and collaboration
  • How “knowing mode” can lead to bad decisions and alienate team members
  • What skills to practice to put yourself in “not-knowing mode” to become a better active listener
  • How asking open-ended questions and holding back the solution to a problem can help your team gain new skills


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