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How to Balance Work, Family, and Multiple Career Paths (feat. Lyndsay Phillips)

Episode 59

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Lyndsay Phillips is an entrepreneur, CEO and podcast host who has explored multiple careers. Her company, Smooth Sailing Business Growth, provides fellow entrepreneurs with the extra hands and expertise they need to succeed.

So how does one balance a business, family life and personal happiness? Lyndsay and Lee talk about the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur.

Key Takeaways:

  • Be aware of the areas you are lacking and actively take courses to improve them.
  • Find what you like to do so you don’t spend time dragging your heels on a project you don’t want to do.
  • You are able to create more efficient business procedures if you niche down the offerings of your company.
  • As a virtual assistant, earning a reputation for meeting deadlines is a necessity.
  • It’s important for entrepreneurs to outsource the work they are not good at and focus on their strengths.


Smooth Sailing Business Growth

Lyndsay Phillips: Podcast

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