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What To Do When the Success You’ve Been Chasing Isn’t Delivering (feat. James Colburn)

Episode 55

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In 2006 James Colburn was at a vacation home trying to relax on Christmas Eve. He had surpassed all of his financial goals and his career was thriving, but he couldn’t stop thinking about what else he could be doing to achieve success.

Author, coach and speaker, James joins us to talk about his book RE-SUCCEED and gives us his advice on how people can slow down and gain fulfillment both in their career and their personal life.

Key takeaways:

  • Financial success and a sense of fulfillment aren’t always mutually exclusive.
  • Don’t let fear rule your life or your business decisions.
  • High performers get coaches.
  • High achieving individuals think they need to have all the answers.
  • Remember to slow down and connect with your family – play legos with your kids!
  • Learn to celebrate the success of others.
  • Investigate the unlived life.
  • You can be the best employee when you know yourself best.
  • Unwind after a long day by checking out James Colburn’s 5-Minute Epic Evening Ritual
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